White Paper: Combating HAIs Without Compromise

We all know how prevalent hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are, and the many ramifications they can have for a healthcare provider on an operational, financial and reputational level. And while a wide range of factors contribute to HAIs, two deserve extra attention in the current healthcare landscape: depleted environmental services (EVS) teams and the pervasive pressure to reduce room turn times.


Speeding up room turn times may seem to be at odds with improving disinfection efforts — but it doesn’t have to be. The latest advanced disinfection solutions can automate the process to reduce stress on EVS teams, while disinfecting more effectively than traditional, status quo methods like manual disinfection.

Advanced disinfection isn’t the only key to eliminating HAIs in healthcare settings. From investing in ongoing education to stay abreast of technological advances and best practices to prioritizing employee well-being to boost engagement and minimize attrition, there are several steps you can take to directly and indirectly reduce HAIs in your healthcare facility.


Learn to balance efficacy and efficiency in the battle against HAIs, and get actionable advice you can implement today in our new white paper: The Invisible Threat: Combating Healthcare-Associated Infections Without Compromise. Healthcare facilities must take a holistic approach to this pervasive problem, and we’re here to give you the tools you need to get started. 

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